Psss Where?
The Hurd Home
10 Minutes from Grace Covenant Church
395 Pepper Lane
Weatherford Texas, 76088
(Click to go to maps.)
Turn by Turn
- From the courthouse proceed North on FM 51
- Cross the railroad tracks proceed to the light at FM 920.
- Left on 920 6 miles to the blinking yellow light at FM 1885
- Left on 1885 3 miles to Pepper Lane at the top of the "blind hill"
- Left on Pepper Lane, proceed to the cul-de-sac
- Enter the gate directly in front of you (don't go to the white brick house an the right.)
- Follow the gravel road towards the right to the next gate.
- Right towards the gray 2 story house.
- You're there!
Sometimes the gates are closed to keep the cows out. If they're open go on merrily through. If they're closed please close them behind you.
(At one point we had gate openers that worked, but currently we have to open and close the gates ourselves like peasents, and that means you'll have to as well.)